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On Saturday, April 20, 2019, The Asian Pacific Health Foundation (APHF) participated in the CARE Resource Fair hosted by the CARE Community Center (12 N. Euclid Ave. National City, CA 9195), a resource center that provides community-based prevention and intervention services. The staff members of the CARE Community Center graciously provided APHF with a very clean and spacious room at the center of their resource fair where attendees came to get their health screenings after obtaining free groceries and services from other organizations.
The APHF team successfully screened over 20 patients for Hepatitis B and C, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome. Screening participants felt reassured about their health after receiving thorough counseling and discussion about silent diseases with our intern pharmacists, Dustin Huynh, Heidi Kim, and Norint Tung, working under the guidance of clinical staff, Drs Robert Gish, Kayla Giang, and Venus Valizadeh. In addition to screening and consultation, 3 guest intern pharmacists, Binh-An Nguyen, Andre Antunes, and Chelsea David-Nickolay, from the American Pharmacist Association Academy of Student Pharmacist (APhA-ASP)’s Operation Immunization Team, joined APHF to provide Hepatitis A, B, and C education via the eye-catching and informative Hepatitis poster. The community greatly appreciated APHF’s work and team spirit to help raise health awareness. Dr. Abtin Eghbal, PharmD, one of the health event visitors, was inspired by our community service and asked to join our organization.
Program Coordinators, James Cordero, Vivian Ngo, and Tamy Ho led outreach operations and supervision, and Program Interns, David Lam, Kevin Lee, and Kevin Lam navigated patients through the screening stations. Everyone’s efforts resulted in a smooth and efficient health fair.
The staff and volunteers of APHF would like to extend a special thank you to all the staff from the CARE Community Center for continuing to host APHF health outreaches at the CARE Resource Fair and joining APHF in advancing the health and wellness of vulnerable groups in San Diego county. We look forward to joining more fairs in the near the future.
We would like to express our appreciation to all the staff and volunteers at the health outreach:
Robert G. Gish, MD, Medical Director
Kayla Giang, PharmD, Executive Director
Minh Thuan Tran, RN, Clinical Practice Manager
Nguyen Vo, PharmD Candidate, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS), and APHF Program Manager
James Cordero, Tamy Ho, and Vivian Ngo: Program Coordinators
Kevin Lam and David Lam: Program Interns
Venus Valizadeh, PharmD, Clinical Staff
APHF Volunteer members
Guest Volunteers:
Abtin Eghbal, PharmD
Heidi Kim, PharmD Candidate, SSPPS
Norint Tung, PharmD Candidate, SSPPS
Dustin Huynh, PharmD Candidate, SSPPS
Binh-An Nguyen, PharmD Candidate, SSPPS and APhA-ASP Operational Immunization Chair
Andre Antunes, PharmD Candidate, SSPPS
Chelsea David-Nickolay, PharmD Candidate, SSPPS
Please feel free to spread the word about our activities!
Thank you!